YMC-Pack Polyamine II 層析管柱

YMC-Pack Polyamine II is a silica-based packing bonded with polyamine. It is particularly useful for separation of sugars. The column life of YMC-Pack Polyamine II in aqueous mobile phase is longer than conventional silica-based amino columns, and thus is applicable to separation of oligosaccharides using mobile phase with relatively higher water content. In addition, YMC-Pack Polyamine II can be used to separate ionic compounds with a combination of normal-phase mode and weak anion exchange mode.


Particle size : 5µm
Pore size : 120Å
Usable pH range : 2.0-7.5


■ Silica gel chemically bonded to polyamine
■ The most suitable column for separation of sugars
■ Solves durability problem of conventional silica-based amino columns
■ Useful for separation of hydrophilic compounds including vitamins
■ Useful for separation of fat-soluble compounds using nonaqueous mobile phase


Even in a hard flow durability test using mobile phase that consists only of water,the retention time of sugars changes little.

1. Fructose
2. Glucose
3. Sucrose
4. Maltose
5. Lactose

YMC-Pack Polyamine II is applicable for separation of fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins as a normal-phase column that can be used with water or buffer and various organic solvents.

Tocopherol isomers


L-ascorbic acid and erythorbic acid

L-ascorbic acid
Column : YMC-Pack Polyamine II
250 x 4.6mmI.D.
Eluent : n-hexane
/ethyl acetate(70/30)
Flow Rate : 1.0mL/min
Temperature : 30ºC
Detection : UV at 295nm
Column : YMC-Pack Polyamine II
250 x 4.6mmI.D.
Eluent : 50mM NH4H2PO4
Flow Rate : 1.0mL/min
Temperature : 30ºC
Detection : UV at 250nm