YMC-Triart C8 層析管柱

YMC-Triart C8 is a versatile column with excellent chemical durability that is equivalent to YMC-Triart C18. YMC-Triart C8 is suitable for fast analysis of samples containing hydrophobic compounds that are strongly retained on C18 columns or samples containing compounds with large differences in hydrophobicity. In addition, its high bonding density allows for good separation of compounds with small structural differences. Triart C8 is also ideal for the separation of isomers and structural analogs.


Base : organic/inorganic hybrid silica
Particle size : 1.9 μm, 3 µm, 5 µm
Pore size : 120 Å
Carbon contents : 17%
pH range : 1-12


-Comparable versatility to C18
-Usable over a wide range of pH and temperature
-Ideal for separations of isomers or structural analogs


YMC-Triart C8 has good chemical durability and provides peak shapes as good as YMC-Triart C18. It is useful applications in various fields including pharmaceutical products, food products, and natural products.

Triart C8 provides superior resolution of Terphenyl isomers compared to Triart C18. The higher bonding density of C8 contributes to the recognition of small differences in structure although the elution profiles of C18 and C8 are similar. Additionally, the C8 phase offers shorter retention times than the C18 phase due to its low hydrophobicity. These unique characteristics are effective for the fast analysis of isomers and compounds with low polarity.